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I like fishing.
I am very alert.
I like visiting tong tong machines. But only when Tofu-man's there.
I L-O-V-E the colour yellow.
I like picking scabs and looking at moles.
I like watching hi-5. Other favourites include Death cab for cutie, the all american rejects, Gym Class heros, Goo goo dolls, Something corporate, Houston Calls, the Academy is and Hillsong kids.
I like fashion illustrations.


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Sunday, July 23, 2006

turned on byEstella;
4:48 PM`

Friday, July 14, 2006
Hi. Sorry for the rather-long hiatus.
I feel clever for using the H-word.


The First Week of School has been somewhat enjoyable, I don't think I've laughed so much in my entire life! (:

On Monday, we all colaborated in giving Nush the ultimate makeover of all time, Me and Gwen being the super efficient designer hairstylists. As a result, Nush looked as hot as hot could be. After school, the lot of us made this sudden decision to invade "Venezia" and we half-run half-laughed our way to Guthrie House. I've got this sudden thing for dark chocolate, I ate 2 scoops yum yum yummmm. Me&Saniah bought small cute pastry for the sake of it.

Taking 151 for the first time in twenty years was an eye-opener. It's amazing how fast things change, most of the 151s are air-conditioned now!! Totally a reason for Gwen&I to rejoice, this has definitely got to be the best thing that happened since Lucky Bus Day.

Choongching went nuts on Tuesday. Apparently she thinks The Powerpuff Girls are the coolest things cos every single one of it's characters are symmetrical. The professor, Him, all excluding The Mayor.

And swim PE was fun!! Except I'm planning to get myself degree goggles. It sucks when you've to walk around the pool three quarters blind. Arthi&I went to The Golden Rooster on Wednesday. Cheryl thinks I totally betrayed the Aunty at Weribee's but never mind. It was fun talking and stuffz:D

Art was duper enjoyable(: I've missed the art room so bad! The new teacher seems really nice, she makes you feel good about yourself even if you totally screwed the drawing up. I know I'm terrible at the pencil. THG, HELP!!!

Chinese was hilarious today. Hahaha. Spire was surprisingly okay. I thought it'd suck the minute it started, but I guess I was wrong. We managed to come up with a few ideas! After school, Me, Saniah&Gwen met Sneha, and we totally prank-smsed this p6 girl. I'm too lazy to write everything out, but I know for sure all 4 of us were howling with laughter. I was laughing so hard my lungs hurt and I had trouble breathing for a few seconds. Hahaha:D

Oh and I've been picking my obs scabs like crazy. There seems to be a never ending supply to scratch out. I pick them only when they're half-ripe. Hahaha. Then it doesnt hurt but blood still flows out. It's quite pleasurable, but then there're so many bloodstains all over my bed it looks like I had a flow too heavy.

turned on byEstella;
9:10 PM`

Saturday, July 01, 2006
I'm back from obs!!!!!!
Even though my fingers hurt like crazy, my lips are covered in blisters, and there're 23 bites on my right leg, half of those oozing out pus, i'm back!!
I never felt better sitting on a toiletbowl, it's totally lives up to its name. Haha, THRONE.
It feels good not having to control your bowels when they're desperately spilling out, or else you'd have to peepee among the rocks and sand and expose your bum to the rest of the world.
Me&Nush were busy pulling our hair cuz she claims that pushes your poop back in. Hahaha it kind of worked though i managed to put the business on hold.
Shackleton's the best group everrr!
There's Nush, Wanyun, Bee, Chenchel, Pamela, Denise, Charvi, Danni, Chunmeng, Wenloong, Eugene & Jiasheng.
NushTheFatSheep never stopped talking. Haha the only time she did was halfway through kayaking, and both of us were pathetically trying to steer left but our stupid PAP-PD boat somehow kept going right! And all our foodstuffz got eaten up by random people and we had to eat milobread, which was kind of nice heh heh. And then we threw biscuits into our kayak so we could eat them on the way and we ended up eating salt-soaked butterbiscuits that tasted... OK as well. Yeh and once we managed to convince the kayak to keep left Nush continued singing her "Iamthesunindisuisesong" hawhawhaw and she slabbed so much sunblock on she totally looked like a red indian on-the-loose. I dont think I can control the paddle very well, I distinctly remember swatting quite a few people on the journey.
Sleeping in tents was worse than I thought, the 4 of us were so squished we couldnt stretch our legs, and the rocks underneath made it rather uncomfortable. On the last night the mosquito net wouldnt zip, I was sleeping on the outside and I was totally ambushed by those stupid buzzing things pftttttt. Haha but it was quite fun as well, Bee&Nush kept making us laugh before going to sleep. Bee talks in her sleep, I definitely heard her laughing to herself last night.
Nush, Chenchel&I were the official slackers. We were too busy running away from people trying to force us to wash waterbottles and scrub flynets. Hahaha and we sat at the steps and played "Milo bath". It was superfun, my entire face got covered in milo powder :D
Food was... unthinkable. Haha on the first night Nush&I came up with this warped theory that corn brine'd make the rice taste better so we poured practically all of that, plus the corn, in to cook. Heh it was disasterous, the corn was so overcooked it tasted like chickenbone and the rice was hard.
On the last night the china scholars cooked dinner and it was super, super, super yummy!! They actually had the sense to use butter to fry the sausages omg and everything tasted really decent! Me&Bee held the ricepot to our noses, and started sniffing every 3 seconds cuz it smelt so good ahaha. Until Nush had enough and whammed out heads together, OWWWW :)
Oh and everyone positively stank. Right to the last night. We had to wear the same clothes for 3 entire days and it totally sucked not being able to bathe!!! If I were a Sim, my "Hygeine" bar would probably hot red, together with my mood bar.
The quarrydip kept us alive. It's like "WOAH, CLEAN WATER!!" and everyone hogged time and refused to get out haha.
Shackleton rocks lah :D I think we've become really bonded in the end. The last bit was emotional, and for once I didnt feel like going home. But yay at least we'll still see each other in school! :D Bee's super cute she was like "MUST SMS ME AH!"
Yah so obs wasnt that bad afterall. Especially the friends bit :) Luckily I'm not too badly sunburnt, but my lip seriously needs some treatment!!
Oh, and I just brushed my teeth for the first time in 4 days :)

turned on byEstella;
8:57 AM`

Friday, June 16, 2006
The thing about family

Last night, Deanna and I wrestled over The P.P. in the dark. I think it was comparable to a WWF match. I merely wanted to have a feel of the valuable, but Deanna wouldnt let me. At least now I know how The Rock feels.

The P has been with us for 13 years now. Its full name's probably P.P Ng, since its like family. A few years back, Deanna shortened it to The P. The P never leaves Deanna's nose. She's always sniffing it, taking time to fully absorb the fragrance and splendeur of it all. Even today, I think it still has that calming effect on her. However apart from the owner herself, the rest of us agree that when it comes to The P, its more about an odour instead of a fragrance. (IT ABSOLUTELY STINKZXKSZX!)
Then again, who can blame It. The P hardly showers. I think Deanna only issues shower permits when she's away on camp.

The P is a pillow. Or should I say, was once a pillow. Now it's somewhat disintegrated into a clump of thread, stiches and bones. Otherwise known as: a rag.
But my crooked sister still sniffs it like its... weed. (!!!)

P.SOhyes ohyes! Didyou see my post on Lulu Frost? I think she's a fashion inspiration to all the granddaddys and grandmamas out there.

turned on byEstella;
12:35 PM`

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Lookathesedesigns by Lulu Frost :D

turned on byEstella;
6:00 PM`

Monday, June 12, 2006
Hong Kong: a guide for dummies

1) You need at least 200 HKD (which is equals to S$45) to get a nice teeshirt:
i wanted one that said "donald has all the power" but it was HKD210 so it got me slightly depressed.

2) Shop names require more creativity.
some of the coolest shops have really darfy names. like "apple store" and "ICE/FIRE" and "herioic rendezvous"

3) There are few homosexuals.
hah definitely less than thailand, i remember the last time i was assulted by one with an umbrella cuz i refused to buy a jacket from his-her shop.

4) (oh yes) The population doesnt value umbrellas
my SUPACUTE ASTRO-BOY umbrella only cost me 4 bucks is that cheap or what?

5) Hongkong guys have a thing for poodles
A typical hongkong girl (with a boyfriend) has big permed hair, and a cute jap-like face

6) Stall owners are big fat liars
one claimed her S$10 converse shoes were real. another told me she needed the money to feed her poor hungry family back in china.

7) Tong Tong (or is it Ting Ting) trains're fascinating
they're at least two hundred years old, super cranky and musty

8) Restaurant owners are usually multi-billionaires.
since the people there hate staying at home, they eat out most of the time. restaurants're PACKED and there're snaking queues outside.

9) Every day is New Year's Day.
seriously. the stores dont close until midnight, and the streets're cluttered with its so packed short people suffocate (thank goodness i'm tall!)

10) To stay connected with the world, visit yoghurt shops.
this cool yoghurt shop called "yuglio" near my hotel provided free internet services! haha, except you'll have to pay a bluhdy S$8 for a yoghurt! :(

11) Learn your 4 times table well
you're required to be very proficient at math if you want to do some serious shopping, and automatically divide everything by 4. (i cant help it if i happen to be a math whiz. heh heh.)

12) High chanc e of choking on noodles
you see, the noodles there're so cheap, and there's sucha wide variety...... i think most people's guts're clogged with these stringy yellow things

13) Stock up on batteries for the remote control
there's so so much super entertaining drama serials being screened! i watched one called "zui hou zhi wu" :)

14) Stock up on drinks as well
someone tell me why the only drink sold in stores is vitasoy?!?!!??

thats all for now so you think you can dance is on, ahhhhh!

turned on byEstella;
1:05 PM`

Saturday, June 03, 2006
Atlanta Started Raining On Me

after youth me and bernadine went over to the gelato shop HAHAHAHA we laughed about paul twohill (i think he should be called paul twotits) and levin the waffleboiboi!! im glad aunty mh's back she was her usual jumpy self today at service hahaha she kept insisting the "good meat" they gave daniel and his friends was fish although pastor adrain said it was probably meat as in meat meat. (which is either beef or pork or goose for that matter) so when everyone ignored her she flipped to the map at the back of her bible and started checking if balthesar's located near a river. she concluded that if it was near a river it had to be fish. HOOHOOHWAHWAAAAAAA.

tomorrow there MIGHT be a meeting with the henryparkgang lydia if you see this call me!!!

im going to hongkingkong on tuesday i cant wait to meet daisy duck i hope she remembers me!!


turned on byEstella;
8:55 PM`

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sometimes, when you're just about halfway into the ups and bumps of life, it reveals essential things before you. Lessons and learning points, people and places, placed in front of you for a sole purpose, a particular meaning noone but yourself is able to comprehend, to experience and share your common emotions.

today i have come to yet another important realisation:

nush is snotiful.

i feel so very proud of myself, for being so capable as to grasp such key details at a mere fifteen years of age, surpassing but any average individual. i can only blame my bulbous brain matter for possessing such wit and astuteness. it is with great pleasure that i come forth to share my knowledge with you, do not be taken aback by my generosity.

you see, nush is but far from that demure, sweet innocent child you think she is. yes, you have to look deeper, and you will see that hunger, that thirst and desire she has for biting you. SHE IS LETHAL.

today, just approximately 349545035 seconds ago, she had the sudden urge to bite. and she grabbed my plastic bag (full of merchandise from our earlier shopping escapade) , mustered up all that hatred, converted it into sudden bursts of energy and started chewing, and tearing, and rampaging... (ugh), it got more salivary by the second. just then, a PUL (Poor, Unfortunate Lass, pronounced "puh-ool") came by and placed her arm on the bag.

LO, AND BEHOLD, the PUL's delicate arm got soaked in the pool of snot. oh but what a terrible misfortune!!

this lesson is a crucial learning point for all you children out there. never speak to strangers.

sometimes, just sometimes, sometimes like now, i marvel at my abiltity of being able to dish out compliments so freely and not holding back.

my mummy'd be so proud of me.


welcome home.

turned on byEstella;
11:04 PM`

Thursday, June 01, 2006
her armpits stink, her toenails stink and her ears stinkkkkkkkk.


turned on byEstella;
8:13 PM`

lost the plot

WAHLAUUUUU WHAT DID MY SISTER DO TO MY LIMEWIRE FILES now they're all gone and she's filled them with (ugh) laguna beach and practically every single one of chris daughtry's songs :(((((

i cant believe ive to miss the paris trip for church camp! fine its not exactly the church camp bit, but I WANT TO GO TO LONDONNNNN (TO MARRY THE MOLE)!!!!!!!!! HARRUMPHS. FATLEELEE IS A LIARRRRR.

[oh yeah the laselle degree show was pretty nice!! although im afraid to say artists're really, really weird people. this guy with small eyes and poofy hair came to talk about his artpiece and he kept mumbling and looking down we couldnt hear a thing he said!!

the product advertising thing was pretty neat. especially the namecard bit. heh heh ive got like, absolutely no interest in media art. oh and i met miss loo-whats-her-name, she brought dunman students over!!!! not like i recognised any of them except ruijie. ]

youth last week was weird. we had this video on sex and then we had a discussion but honestly it wasnt much of a discussion because everyone was just staring at the floor and giggling. i was tearing up the piece of paper they gave us to write questions. deanna was worse la she just sat there grumbling, her poor sister.

the holidays've been quite nice teehee, since the dreadful arse week's over. on monday we had a murugus outing, and it was.........strange. like bean and tricia couldnt make it cuz they'd guides so it was left with the 4 of us. it's scary, tl's changed so so much i cant even relate to her anymore. vaneh and ham're still pretty much the same i guess, but i havent talked to ham in ages. haha plus they were all in for shopping. i was completely broke so me and tl wandered around ourselves and ended up spending money on food and a $1.90 notebook and we went to her house.

what if i stayed in dunman? I DONT KNOWWWWWW, I'D DIE FOR SURE

WANG ZI BIAN QING WA ROCKS!!! :))) ming dao something smiles like a little kid:D

turned on byEstella;
11:26 AM`

Thursday, May 25, 2006
A little more action please

Eventful Events That Happened While Estella Was Away

1. The 3 day 1 night mug-your-head off boot camp with nush (the evil miser that refused to help when i was left in the lurch: helpless, cold, aimless, SPECTACLELESS)
2. The too-dreadful-to-be-mentioned arse week.
3. The Sleepless Night: never touching the 60s ever again!
4. The IH screw-up that wasnt really all that bad but still a little screwed in some plenty of ways
5. morphing into a goblin and preparing for funtasia- i still think me and saniah's golden tree looked TOTALLYHAWT.
6. jumping around and smelling totally like dung and getting flakes of flour stuck everywhere. LEPROSY!!
7. the birthday party with only ONE other teenager apart from myself. and that was MY SISTERRRR.
9. Grades- which were fine yet not-so-fine at the same time (CHEMM!)
10. me and the thg shedding tears of joy as it we faced our A FOR CHINESE, WITH PRIDE!
11. 4x100- :(:(:(:(:(:(:( whatever happened to the force?

turned on byEstella;
11:16 PM`